Attempt To Steal Poker

  1. The big stack, Jorryt van Hoof, opened the betting with $1.1 million in an attempt to steal the $250,000/$500,000 (with a $50,000 ante) blinds with 8s-7h. Newhouse woke up with a pocket pair of.
  2. The best full ring poker strategy is to play tight, make good hands and value bet them relentlessly. But you also need to steal a lot of pots against the other tight players by bluffing them in the right spots both preflop and postflop. Online full ring poker is great for multi-tabling and earning a lot of rakeback.

In poker, a steal is a kind of bluff. It is a raise in a round of poker on an inferior hand, with the purpose of showing strength and coercing players with superior hands to fold. Steals are most appropriate late in a hand when a number of players have already folded, or when there are only a few players in the game. ATSB: Attempt to steal blinds Number of times the player opened the pot with a raise, sitting in steal position (cut-off or button). FSBS: Folded small blind to steal Number of times the player folded the small blind to a raise in steal position (cut-off or button), divided by the total number of steal attempts sitting in small blind position. Attempts to steal blinds - How often you attempted to steal the blinds when given the opportunity. The previous statistic showed protection of blinds, this is the attacking side of it. The best 9-max players on OPT average 27%, because blind stealing is not as common in PLO as it is in Holdem.

Heads up poker is the purest form of the game and is one of the most profitable game types for skilled players.

Heads up poker format means that you will have to play the blind every hand and hence will have to play LOTS of hands - in some cases 100% of the hands you are dealt.

It's a high-pressure environment, that's for sure.

For a proficient player, this gives the opportunity to impost their skill set onto weaker opponents every single hand and can mean higher win-rates when compared to 6-max and full-ring games.

The key skill in heads up poker is the ability to adjust to your opponent and exploit them - that is what we will be covering in this article as we try to adjust to another professional player and target his leaks and weaknesses.

Adjusting Your Heads Up Strategy

A winning player's heads up poker strategy consists of a malleable game plan ready to go from the onset. Solid ranges they’ve developed that they look to adjust as new information is learned about their opponent.

Playing against a past challenger allows you pick-up where you left off in your previous encounter. Looking for ways to get an edge. Exactly what I was doing in a recent heads-up poker SNG tournament battle where I was pitted against a coach from Japanese poker site,

I had won 2-1 in the previous bout of HU SNG’s, but Akinori issued a new challenge. He was keen for revenge since the games would be recorded for content on the Japanese poker training site.

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The key to defeating Akinori again was all in the adjustments. His style was ‘TAGish’ which leaves you particularly vulnerable in short-handed and heads-up games.

My plan was an aggressive blitz. Constant aggression allowing me to win the majority of the pots. Chipping away at him until eventually, I’d finish off his dwindling stack.

This is also a very common scenario when heads-up in an MTT.

MTT poker players often lack a heads up poker skill set and are easily exploited since they aren’t used to playing the wide ranges necessary to be competitive heads-up.

Check out the video of the match and then we will discuss the strategy involved:

Heads Up Poker Strategy: Preflop Starting Ranges

I planned to open around 5% wider than I would against a tough opponent. In hindsight, I think opening 100% of hands would have been a reasonable strategy. This would allow me to exploit his tendencies to over-fold preflop, and 3bet at a low frequency. A style which was confirmed in the replay as he made some questionable folds.

Conversely, against his open raises, I didn’t plan on folding much at all.

Versus his 2.5x open raise I was calling more than 5% wider than I would against a tougher player. The pot odds would be 2.3:1 to call. Around 30% ‘straight-up‘ equity required. When considering the all important equity realization, with some of the weakest calls in my range like 63o, I’d need to realize equity as follows;

Equity realization required = pot odds / equity = 0.3 / 0. 334 = 90%.

I was fairly confident I’d be in this vicinity given Akinori’s tendency to be a little passive post flop, especially on the later streets. This is common for a lot of ‘TAGish’ players when they get to heads-up.

They know a good strategy is to open a lot of hands preflop, but this translates to them being out of their comfort-zone on later streets when they’re frequently left with much more marginal holdings then they are used to. Typically resulting in a lot of turn and river checking.

This passivity on later streets would allow me to realize a reasonable share of my equity OOP. Again evident in the replay as some of my weaker out of position floats did get to the river where I was able to steal some nice pots (Q2, J9, etc).

Defending The Blinds Heads Up: 3betting

Part of the HU strategy to defend frequently from the big blind included 3 betting a lot.

Attempt To Steal Poker

A typical strategy might include a mix of:

  • weaker suited hands,
  • premium hands,
  • and a mix of suited connectors mostly for board coverage protection.

All at a frequency.

Equating to around a 15-20% sort of range spread. I planned on pushing this a bit further to 20%+ by including a mix of high-low holdings (as we saw with Q2s, J4o), and some weaker combinations at a low frequency. Aiming to profit from my opponent's over folding ways.

Key Strategies To Beating Heads Up Poker

Overall the adjustments pointed out are not huge. However, they help set the tone of the match, as well as lay the foundation for post-flop play. Increased opens, more defending from the big blind including a lot of 3 betting.

This style makes it really tough for a 'TAGish' type of opponent to get into a rhythm as it keeps them constantly under pressure. Their likely response is to attempt to steal less, which has the profitable result of allowing for more walks from the big blind.


This tough preflop play is then backed up postflop with frequent cbets and barrels, as well as a good mix of raises and floats. Which will be the topic of next article as we continue this heads-up series!

What About VS Loose Heads Up Opponents?

Each type of opponent presents different challenges to overcome. Loose opponents allow you to me more patient with your offense. Reducing your bluffs whilst increasing your value bets - Since your opponent will be doing more calling.

You can 3 bet wider for value if they aren't folding to reraises preflop. Proceed post-flop by cbetting less, but look for 'thinner' value. Especially on the later streets when you have more accurately identified your opponents range.

Attempt to steal poker tracker

Floating out of position which works well against tighter opponents, should be used carefully. When calling a flop cbet with a marginal hand, along with some hope of improving to the best hand, the chance to steal the pot on a later street often makes this play profitable. However loose opponents often call the river with a wide range. So bluffing in a lot of spots can be a futile play. Stick to solid holdings and contest the pot more aggressively in position.

Positional advantage offers you the opportunity to take more free cards, value bet confidently, and fire small ball bluffs. Remembers a loose opponents range will often be wide, so timely bluffs should be an important part of your strategy. Attack when their range consists of numerous weak holdings, and the board heavily favors your range. Don't push the aggression but rather look for boards that develop favorably when firing multiple bullet bluffs. Moves like this can be quite risky against a loose opponent!

Summary: Strategical adjustments made this match

Having played against my opponent previously, I'd gained a good feel for the way Akinori was playing. Overall a little too tight, in, and out of position. This provided me with an opportunity to make some adjustments to gain an edge in the match.

Starting with preflop. Raising more on the button and defending more aggressively from the big blind. Setting the tempo of the match, I kept my opponent under pressure and was clearly winning the majority of the pots. By adjusting and gaining an edge in the game, I was again able to claim a 2-1 victory in this heads up poker match.

Make sure you check out the video below for some more heads up poker strategies:

Get Access to Lesson 5.8 From the Road to Success Course which is a 45 minute video covering important heads up strategies.

Want more videos like the ones in this blog post? Check out the PokerNerve Road to Success Course where we have almost 100 videos like this to help take your game to the next level.

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What are the different game levels I can play? ^Top

Here is a listing of the tables for 9-max and 6-max games, with a brief description. You can select the table from the main game menu that shows up when you first start the game, or by clicking 'Change Tables' at the top middle of the game screen.

Free members can only play the beginning levels. To play higher levels with higher quality opponents, you must be a full member.

Table NameNumber of PlayersTypical BlindsGame Level DescriptionSetting Description
Going Fishing9 or 61/2This is your typical home game with poor, loose players.A new casino just opened by the beach and the tourists have all come out to play. Why fish in the ocean when you can haul up pots by the netload at the poker table?
California Dreamin9 or 62/5This game is typical of what you would find from tourists who don't play much poker.You'll be safe and warm at this table. The players are loose and the pots are large. Even better, there's not a pro, or even a savvy recreational player, in sight. Hang tight and you'll ride the wave to big profits!
Western Roundup9 or 65/10Another vacation crowd, this one slightly more serious, but still with a number of weaker players.You sneak away from your Dude Ranch vacation to hit the tables at the local casino. Instead of a room full of fish, you find that the play is a bit tougher than you expected. Nothing you can't handle if you lasso your 'A' game. Enjoy matching wits with the local regulars.
Vegas Grinder9 or 610/20Players here know what they are doing mostly, although you would probably call most of them intermediate players.On a Christmas visit to Vegas, you travel Downtown to check out Fremont Street and the old-time casinos. You walk into the Golden Nugget, expecting to play a soft holiday crowd. However, you find yourself in a room filled with tough regulars and pros. You're going to need to grind to survive.
Thieves Lockup9 or 620/40An aggressive game, with many solid players, some maniacs also.While traveling in Eastern Europe, one of your business associates invites you to a 'friendly' poker game. The next thing you know, you find yourself in the dungeon of a crumbling castle matching wits with former Iron Curtain apparatchiks and descendants of Hungarian royalty. These guys are flush with cash and really know the game. You'll be lucky to escape the dungeon with anything but an empty wallet.

Who are the different opponents I may face? ^Top

Here are pictures of some of the opponents you may face, from weakest to strongest. Mouse over their pictures to see their name, click on them for a biography and a full description of their playing style.

  1. Larry 'Loose Larry' Stevens
    Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Larry is new to Omaha and has never seen a starting hand he didn't like.
    Loose, Passive Beginner

  2. Sally 'Sweet Sally' Jones
    Louisville, KY
    Sally likes to see the flop. And the turn. And the river. She only bets when she has the nuts, but will call you all the way down.
    Loose, Passive Beginner

  3. Norman 'The Novice' James
    San Francisco, CA, USA
    Norm hasn't been playing Omaha very long. It'll take him 5 minutes to figure out what he's got, and keeps forgetting he can only use three cards on the board.
    Loose, Passive Beginner

  4. Alex 'Wild Man' Simpson
    Sunnyvale, CA
    Alex just likes to bet. And bet. And bet. If you make it to the river, you may find all your chips in the pot. But Alex may also be sitting on a busted flush draw.
    Loose, Aggressive Beginner

  5. Tim 'Timid Tim' Anderson
    Boston, Massachusetts, USA
    Tim folds 95% of his starting hands. And unless he flops the nuts, he'll fold to any bet. If Tim is still in on the river, your are in a world of trouble.
    Loose, Passive Beginner

  6. Freddie 'All In Freddie' Johnson
    Edmonton, Ontario
    Got his nickname from his Hold'em play, but if Freddie hits anything in Omaha, he's betting pot. And he'll keep it up until all of his money is in the middle.
    Loose, Aggressive Beginner

  7. Jasmine 'Jumpin' Jasmine' Chin
    Paris, France
    Jasmine is a novice and picks her hands carefully. But when she hits, she's the first to jump in the pot.
    Tight, Aggressive Beginner

  8. Jerry 'The Youngster' Lee
    Oak Brook, IL
    Jerry is barely legal playing age but thinks he knows more than the 20 year Omaha veterans. The way he tells it, he never loses a hand because of his poor play.
    Loose, Aggressive Beginner

  9. John 'What?' Williams
    Pascagoula, MS, USA
    John is having some trouble figuring out the game. He can't figure out how to calculate pot, so he tries to stay out of the fray.
    Tight, Passive Beginner

  10. Tom 'Hot Shot' Brown
    Lubbock, TX
    Tom is a hot shot hold 'em player who has only been playing Omaha for a couple of months. He hasn't quite figured out yet that two pair is almost never the nuts.
    Loose, Passive Beginner

  11. Sharon 'Simple Sharon' Bond
    London, UK
    Sharon likes to keep it simple. If she's got it, she bets. If she doesn't... she'll pay to see if she's got it on the next card.
    Loose, Passive Average

  12. Ken 'Tightwad' Mathers
    Manchester, MO
    Ken likes to keep his money safe in his stack. He knows how to read a board, and he can see every draw you might have.
    Tight, Passive Average

  13. Stan 'Stan the Man' Marsden
    New York City, NY, USA
    Stan is a senior who hops in any Omaha game he can find. He wants to play as long as he can, so he hates to say goodbye to a chip.
    Tight, Passive Average

  14. Charles 'Chipstack Charlie' Chi
    SanAngelo, TX
    Charlie tends to limit his starting hands, but when he chooses to play, his favorite word is 'Pot!'
    Tight, Aggressive Average

  15. Jason 'Move-in Miller' Miller
    Joliet, IL, USA
    Jason plays all of the hands. And he raises them too!
    Loose, Aggressive Average

  16. Fiona 'Foldin' Fiona' Simpson
    Clinton, OK
    Fiona likes to see a flop. But if she doesn't hit her hand hard out of the gate she is quick to fold.
    Tight, Aggressive Average

  17. Cal 'Calling Cal' Andrews
    San Antonio, TX
    Cal picks his starting hands carefully. Even when he has the nuts, he's more likely to call than raise.
    Tight, Passive Average

  18. Ralph 'Raisin' Ralph' Rummler
    Winter Haven, FL
    Ralph likes all the hands. If he doesn't hit, he can see all his backdoor draws. He will raise, raise, raise on every street.
    Loose, Aggressive Average

  19. Allen 'Average Allen' Larson
    Las Vegas, NV
    Allen is of average average height, weight, and playing ability.
    Tight, Aggressive Average

  20. Ron 'Hyper' Rodriquez
    Paris, France
    Ron likes Omaha because of all the action, yet still has trouble staying in his seat. He calls too much when he gets bored.
    Loose, Passive Average

  21. Nick 'Quick' Patterson
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    Nick knows when to hold 'em and knows when to fold 'em, and make decisions fast. If he's in the hand, you're likely in trouble.
    Tight, Aggressive Good

  22. Steve 'Steamin' Norton
    Rue de la Rulles, Belgium
    Steve's an expert in Hold 'Em. He's relatively new to this Omaha thing, but he knows his way around a pot.
    Tight, Aggressive Good

  23. Sonny 'Sunshine' Garcia
    Atlantic City, NJ, USA
    Sonny wants action, but he also likes to win. He's going to see a lot of pots, and do his best to bet you off your draws.
    Loose, Aggressive Good

  24. Betty 'Bad Beat' Jorgenson
    Andalucia, Spain
    Betty is a solid player, but every hand she loses she considers a bad beat, and let's everyone know.
    Tight, Aggressive Good

  25. Stuart 'The Regular' Little
    Newark, NY, USA
    Stuart plays Omaha almost every day. As a result, he's learned all the tricks and you won't get much past him.
    Loose, Aggressive Good

  26. Joe 'Know-It-All' Martin
    Miami, FL
    Joe always knows his pot odds. And if you are at a table with him, you will too.
    Tight, Aggressive Good

  27. Dennis 'Dennis the Menace' Reed
    Atlanta, GA, USA
    Dennis likes to play loose, and he's too passive as well. But others at his table don't like how often he gets there on the river.
    Loose, Passive Good

  28. Dominick 'The Don' Esposito
    Split, Croatia
    Dominick likes to play the table captain. Woe to those who challenge him.
    Loose, Aggressive Good

  29. Arlene 'Agile Arlene' Amundsen
    Saginaw, MI, USA
    Arlene likes to play a lot of hands, but she knows when to get out of the pot.
    Loose, Aggressive Good

  30. George 'Grandpa' Cameron
    Yuba City, CA
    George is so old that you're not sure how he got to the table. And he's so passive that you might not notice he's there
    Tight, Passive Good

  31. Jack 'Juke Box' Jones
    Roanoke, VA, USA
    Jim likes to belt out old lyrics while playing a lot of hands. By the end of a session you'll be begging him to stop betting and singing.
    Loose, Aggressive Expert

  32. Paul 'The Player' Patterson
    Angleton, TX
    Paul knows when to fold pre-flop, but builds big pots when he has the nuts. Get deep in a hand with him and you'll have little to show for it.
    Tight, Aggressive Expert

  33. Tony 'Tricky Tony' Thomas
    Houston, TX, USA
    Tony plays all the right hands and has great board vision. If you're not sure why he bet, get out of the way.
    Tight, Aggressive Expert

  34. Sarah 'Sneaky Sarah' Smith
    Flint, MI
    Sarah is quiet and unassuming. You won't even realize she's in the pot until all your chips are in her hands.
    Loose, Aggressive Expert

  35. Ben 'The Teacher' Bellows
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Ben loves to see a new player at the table. He will teach them everything he knows, whether they like it or not.
    Tight, Aggressive Expert

  36. Stan 'Solid Stan' Li
    Roanoke, VA
    Stan has a reputation for solid play. Secretly, he's an expert who is very careful not to show it.
    Tight, Aggressive Expert

  37. Alex 'Action Alex' Santiago
    Accra, Ghana
    Alex likes his action. But he also knows when to get out or the hand.
    Loose, Aggressive Expert

  38. Jennifer 'The Beauty' Brady
    Alcala, Spain
    Jennifer's striking looks disarm her opponents. When she scoops the pot, you won't see it coming.
    Loose, Aggressive Expert

  39. Antoine 'Action' Jackson
    Hai Phong, Vietnam
    Antoine knows what he's doing. When you're playing with him, you won't know what hit you.
    Tight, Aggressive Expert

  40. Liam 'Little Liam' McDonnel
    Barbers Point, HI
    Liam looks so young you'll want to send him back to junior high. But if you don't watch out, he'll be schooling you.
    Loose, Aggressive Expert

  41. George 'HORSE' McLaren
    Tampa, FL, USA
    George gets his nickname not from his looks, but from his favorite game. No surprise, he has a complete game.
    Loose, Aggressive Pro

  42. Tatiana 'The Pro' Timovich
    Quaker Gap, NC
    Tatiana went pro a decade ago. And when you sit down with her, you'll see why.
    Tight, Aggressive Pro

  43. Mateo 'Magic' Sebastian
    Kansas City, MO, USA
    Mateo has some tricks up his sleeve.
    Solid, Balanced Game

  44. Ivan 'Ivan the Great' Popov
    Wichita, KS
    He may not be a Tsar, but he'll expand his territory like one.
    Intimidating, relentless

  45. Qui 'The Enforcer' Wei
    Gothenburg, Sweden
    Qui runs the table like the pro he is. Seizing control from him is no easy task.
    Deep Thinking, Loose Aggressive

  46. Sam 'Slammin' Sam' Steinback
    Los Angeles, CA
    Sam generally leaves the table a winner. But when he doesn't, he's gonna slam his chair on the way out.
    Disciplined, crafty pro

  47. Carol 'The Empress' O'Leary
    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    Carol is always dressed to the nines. Her bankroll is always well appointed too.
    World-class pro

  48. Terrell 'Talented Terrell' Thompson
    Savannah, GA
    Terrell knows his way around the table. His instincts are unmatched.
    Instinctive, deceptive pro

  49. Jimmy 'The Kid' James
    Ames, IA, USA
    Jimmy went pro at 18. Omaha has been his specialty from the beginning.
    Brilliant, complex strategy

  50. Harold 'Elder Statesman' Simpson
    Harold is rumored to have played in the first Omaha game in the 80s. If you sit down with him, you'll believe the rumors are true.
    Successful, tricky player

What do my statistics mean? ^Top

Poker attempt to steal

On some pages, such as the 'My Hands Played' and 'Session Report' pages, you may find your statistics listed. If you've never looked at poker statistics before, the names may be unfamiliar to you. The statistics calculated and stored are as follows:

VPIP - Voluntarily Put $ In Pot (%) - This is the percentage of hands where you either called or made a raise preflop. A check from the big blind or fold from the small blind does not count, because the bet was mandatory. This statistic determines whether you are a loose or tight player. Good players have a wide range of VPIP figures - within the range of 14-28% in a 9 player game.

PFR - Pre-Flop Raise (%) - The percent of hands in which you raised preflop (to call another player's raise does not count). This characteristic often divides players into passive/aggressive. A good rule of thumb is that this value should be 1/2 of your VPIP figure or more. Raises from passive players should be respected, whereas raises from maniacs with high PFR can be counteracted with aggressive play back.

AF - Aggression Factor - This is calculated as the total number of bets and raises you made after the flop, divided by your number of calls. It compares how often you bet and raise, versus how often you just call. The higher the number, the more aggressive you are. The average factor of aggression for winning players in a 9 player game is 2.7 (with a range of 2 to 3.4).

WTS - Went to Showdown (%) - The percent of times you went to the showdown after seeing the flop. Average figure is 24%, with a range of 19-27%. This statistic helps define tight/loose play after the flop. It also is good for determining the effectiveness of a bluff against a player. A player with high WTS is often a “calling station”. A player with a lower value is afraid to lose, on dangerous flops they might fold any cards except for the nuts. Against these tight players, a bluff is an effective play.

W$S - Won $ at Showdown (%) - The percent of times you won money at the showdown, out of those times you went to the showdown. For example, if you went to the showdown 10 times, and you won 8 of those, this number would be 80%. This number tells you how often you are showing down the best hand, and you certainly want it to be at least 50%. Note: 'Winning money at the showdown' is defined as ending the hand with more chips than you started it with. Sometimes in split pots and all-in situations, you might win some chips at the showdown, but lose money overall.

CBET - Continuation Bet (%) - This is calculated as a measure of aggressiveness on the flop when you were the pre-flop aggressor. It is calculated as the percentage of times you bet on the flop when it was checked to you and you had also raised pre-flop. Your desire to CBET is strongly affected by board texture. Some flops are so favorable to the pre-flop raiser's range that you might choose to CBET nearly every time. On un-favorable boards, you might be cbetting as little as 25% of the time.

Did not fold BB to steal - this is the percent of hands when you were in the big blind and you defended against someone attempting to steal the blinds (an attempt to steal is defined as any raise from the Cutoff, Button, or Small Blind if no other player has entered the hand first). The best 9-max players on OPT average about 30%. This gives you a good idea about how tight someone plays from the blinds, and is often used as a guide for whether to attempt a steal. Note that at lower stakes games, this statistic is rarely meaningful because it is rare to have no one in the pot by the cutoff when the game is loose. However, if you find your percent falling to a low range, you can be sure other players will notice and try to take advantage of your tight play.

Attempts to steal blinds - How often you attempted to steal the blinds when given the opportunity. The previous statistic showed protection of blinds, this is the attacking side of it. The best 9-max players on OPT average 27%, because blind stealing is not as common in PLO as it is in Holdem. The higher this number is, the more it is necessary to protect against such a player more actively, because he can attack with hands much worse than yours. This is not as important in a low stakes game, again because opportunities are not as common.

BB/100 - The average number of big blinds won (or lost) per hundred hands. This is often used as a measure of the success of a player at a given level. It is important to note that there are huge amounts of variance in this number, and even large numbers of hands cannot accurately tell you your precise win rate. For example, even after 20,000 hands, your true long term BB/100 might be only 1/2 as much, or on the other hand it might be double. It really takes a long time to get an accurate assessment of this one.

Chips/100 - The average number of chips won (or lost) per hundred hands. This is the same as BB/100, only it is measured in total chips, not big blinds.

Do you have a suggestion for a statistic that would be great to store? If so, just contact us and we'll respond to your suggestion.

How do I view my statistics? ^Top

Statistics are saved for all registered users, but they can only be viewed by full members. If you are not a full member, you can sign up for a membership package.

If you are a member, your statistics can always be viewed on your My Hands Played and My Sessions Played pages. However, the My Reports page is the best ways to track your progress!

Attempt To Steal Poker Tracker

What if I only play Hold'em? ^Top

You're in luck! Our Hold'em site, Advanced Poker Training, is the World's #1 poker training site, with over 50,000 members from 175 countries since 2009!

How much does membership cost? ^Top

Please see our Prices and Guarantee page for a list of package prices.

How do I change my password or update my email address? ^Top

Visit the My Account page and click on 'Change Password/Edit Profile'

Can I export and download all the hands I've played on Omaha Poker Training?^Top

Pokertracker Attempt To Steal

Sorry, currently that feature is not available.

I just configured the game to deal me only a specific type of hand for a session. Won't this affect my reports?^Top

Poker Attempt To Steal

When viewing your reports, you'll notice a checkbox that says 'Show randomly dealt hands only'. This box is checked by default, meaning a session such as the one you described (or, a session where you froze the button) would not influence your reports. Please see a more detailed discussion here.

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