How Do You Get More Warframe Slots

  1. There aren't any free warframe slots given from mastery ranks. You're probably confusing it with loadout slots which are unlocked from every second mastery rank. I think the game does give the user.
  2. There is another way. If you get a free weapon through, for example, the upcoming anniversary, you can sell the weapon but keep the slot. Same with weapons you get with promo codes like the Heat Sword or Vectis from a while ago.


Tribe of Judah Warframe Chapter Leader

There is no way to attain new slots without using plat, however this plat does not have to be bought. You can use the trading system to earn plat to spend on slots, but it can be hard if you don't already have a stockpile of items.

Top 10 Tips for New Players
HowI admit... Warframe isn't exactly newbie-friendly.
It has a high-fantasy sci-fi story, and there's so much content yet arguably little direction on how to understand the basic mechanics of the game or what to do next. They speak a different language when it comes to terminologies (i.e. think of energy = mana and affinity = experience in most other MMOs). It often takes veteran players to guide new players into getting comfortable with the game.
So, in an effort to spare new players from shooting themselves in the foot with their MK1-Braton, here are my top 10 tips:
  1. The Warframe Wiki is the place to go if you need information on just about everything in the game.
  2. Don't spoil yourself. Trust me. Do not read the spoilers, or you will not get to enjoy the full experience of the story. Veteran players, do a favor for the new players and don't spoil them.
  3. Save your platinum! Warframe has premium currency called platinum that you can buy with real money (technically, you can also 'farm' them by farming Prime sets and trading them for platinum). You need platinum to open up more Warframe slots, weapon slots, archwing slots, etc. Yes, there is limited space in your inventory unless you pay with platinum (except for crafting materials and resources).
  4. Taxis are great. If you need access to a planet node in the Star Chart that you haven't reached yet, ask a veteran player for a taxi. Players who've already completed the planet nodes can taxi you to where you normally wouldn't be able to go by yourself until you reach it later in the game.
  5. Mods are basically these special cards that boost the stats of your Warframes, weapons, companions/sentinels, archwings, you name it. You can also upgrade your mods to make them have a stronger effect on the stat boosts.
  6. Speaking of mods, don't waste your resources on upgrading flawed/damaged mods! Find and keep the full versions and upgrade them instead.
  7. Always level your Warframes, weapons, everything to max (level 30). This way, you earn the most possible points for your Mastery Rank (player account level). Leveling your Mastery Rank will unlock weapons and more content, which in turn can help you continue leveling your Mastery Rank even more.
  8. Always keep your Primes. If you have a max-level regular Warframe and you have its max-level Prime variant, throw away the regular one. The Prime Warframes have slightly better stats and have some nice gold accents/trims. In my opinion, I don't even recommend installing Orokin Reactors and Formas onto the vanilla Warframes because DE will release the Prime versions in the later future. So don't spend too much resources on upgrading vanilla Warframes unless you really love playing as them. Same concept goes for vanilla vs. Prime weapons.
  9. Be very careful of throwing away weapons or blueprints. Some weapons build into others (which you can then level to get more affinity for your Mastery Rank), and any blueprints that you acquire through a story mission can only be received once. If you throw away the blueprint or its fully built version, you won't get it back, and you can only buy the fully built version at the store with platinum. Double-check via Warframe Wiki to make sure you're not throwing a unique item away.
  10. Join a clan. A clan is basically a guild/group of players. There are items, weapons, and vanilla Warframes that can only be accessed through the clan's dojo (i.e. guild hall). If you wanna be a part of a clan, I am more than happy to invite you to mine at Heralds of the Sanctuary!
At the end of the day, take the time to enjoy the game and have fun. Explore and immerse yourself in Warframe's world and lore. For a free-to-play game, it is rich with content.

How To Get More Warframe Slots Without Platinum

And if you need help, ask. I’m here to help (well, I’m mostly at the CGA Discord chat, but I’m happy to help in any way I can).
There's so many more tips I'd like to give, but I think these 10 tips are good for when you first begin the game.
Fellow players, what other tips would you give to newbies?
Sep 26, 2017

How Do I Get More Warframe Slots

In this Guide I'll show you the quickest way to gain Mastery Rank and get lots of loot with it.
Other Warframe Guides:
  • Ways to Earn Platinum.
  • Optimized Volt Builds (Advanced Guide).
  • The Riven Trading Guide.
  • The Dread Guide.

What is Mastery Rank?

Mastery Ranking is a method of tracking a player's relative progress of how much of the game's content they have experienced. Mastery points are earned by ranking up companions/weapons and Archwings/Warframes through Affinity. Points can also be earned by successfully completing Junctions and nodes on the Sol system.

What benefits will the Mastery Rank give you?

Higher Mastery Ranks unlock a number of benefits:
  • More weapons, Warframes and mods (especially Syndicate and Riven Mods)
  • Increases daily trading limit
  • Increases Extractor deployment limit
  • Raises maximum Void Trace capacity by 50 per rank
  • Raises the maximum daily bonus amount of Syndicate standing by Syndicates 1000 (Conclave is considered a Syndicate for the purposes of bonus standing); standing gained by doing syndicate missions or by turning-in medallions is unaffected by the daily cap.

How can you see your Mastery Rank Progress?

You can view your own Mastery Progress and Rank by hovering the cursor over your Avatar on the top left corner of the UI; The player's and squad members' profiles and Mastery progress can also be viewed by clicking profile under their equipment tab; others in chat or communications by selecting their name and clicking 'Profile'.More

How do you Gain Mastery Points?

Below are the ways you can gain Mastery Points:
Bringing up the ranks of Weapons, Sentinel weapons and Archwing weapons earn 100 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 3,000.
  • Bringing up the ranks of Warframes, Companions and Archwings earn 200 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 6,000.
  • Clearing the main objective of a Mission node and extracting will grant an average of ~63 mastery points.
  • Victory against the opponent frame in a Junction grants 1,000 mastery points.

Take note that each individual equipment will only grant its mastery points once per rank per variant — Polarization, selling a Rank 30 equipment and then purchasing & reusing it will NOT grant mastery points again, including in the event that a copy of an already max-ranked equipment is obtained and used. If an equipment below max rank is sold, then purchased and reused, only the ranks previously not gained will grant mastery points.
Variants of original weapons count as a different equipment for mastery ranking; Prime, Syndicates, Vandal, Wraith, Prisma and the Detron Mara.
Excess mastery points are not lost if a you reach the amount required to advance a rank — these will automatically fill the next mastery bar, displayed only once you have succeeded on the rank-up test.

Leveling up your Warframe and Gear

As you may have seen in the previous explanations Mastery Rank is rather important. But is there a way to gain Mastery Rank and Loot at the same time? Yes there is.
Go to your Arsenal and make a seperate Loadout you can call it Mastery Rank or Farming, whatever you like. This way you wont mess up your normal loadout and can switch inbetween them whenever you start a mission.
How Do You Get More Warframe SlotsOnce you made your Mastery Rank Loadout, equip your newst unleveled Warframe (Re-leveling the same Warframe or Weapon via a Forma does not count!).
Now there is 2 Ways you can do this.

First Way (Slower)

In every Weapon Slot equip a Weapon that is level 0 and you just freshly crafted or bought. Equip some Mods to it and you are done.
Why is this Method Slower? Because XP (Affinity) is shared between Gear, this means if you have 3 Weapons level 0 Equipped they will share the XP you get from the battle between each other.
Whilst all 3 Weapons stay around the same level, I have noticed that it also takes a little longer till you Reach the Max Level for all of them together.
Note: Weapon that need re-leveling with a Forma do not count towards Mastery Rank.

Second Way (Faster)

Choose 1 of the level 0 Weapons you would like to level up first and leave the other 2 Weapons aside for later.
Why is this Method Faster? Because XP (Affinity) is shared between Gear, this means if you have 3 Weapons level 0 Equipped they will share the XP you get from the battle between each other. However if you only have 1 Weapon equipped it will go all towards this one Weapon and therefore this Weapon will reach the max level rather quickly.
Note: Weapon that need re-leveling with a Forma do not count towards Mastery Rank.

Getting Loot

Once you have finished your Mastery Rank Loadout it is time to get some Loot. Depending on what Relics you need there will be a defense mission you are able to join for the first 10 Waves.
I personally recommend going on IO - Jupiter. 10 Waves will give you 2 Random Meso Relics. And due to the fact that this defense mission is on a rather smaller Defense Map you will gain XP (Affinity) very quickly.
If you are not bothered by Grinding, you can repeat this step as many times as you please and in no time you will have lots of relics in your pocket!
Sometimes there are Fissures on IO or other Defense / Excavation Missions. These are also very good for gaining Mastery Rank whilst cracking open some Relics and getting lots of Loot as you can do them almost infinitly.
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